The 3 Things You Must Know Before Planning a Wedding at Disney World

The fee to obtain a Florida marriage license is $93.50 for those out of state, or $61 if both the bride and groom are Florida residents and if they both attend a premarital prep course.

Beyond the Theme Parks: Orlando on a Budget

One of our top picks for a day out in Orlando is a trip to Wekiva Springs State Park, about 45 minutes north of the theme park area. You’ll love to swim or snorkel in the crystal-clear waters of the natural spring

Tips for Your Grandchildren at Disney

Taking your grandchildren to Disney World is a wonderful way to create a lifelong memory that they’ll never forget. However, with so much to do, so many plans to make, and so many things to consider, it can feel a little overwhelming. Here are 7 simple tips to help you make the most of your time.