Is there any better place in the world to celebrate your anniversary than Disney World? We’ve helped many happy couples make magical memories on their anniversaries, and there are many tips that can help add that extra bit of pixie dust. Tom Bricker at The Disney Tourist Blog put together an interesting list of tips on this topic. Head over to his blog to read all the details, or check out the overview below.
Let Disney Know You’re Celebrating
When you arrive at the Magic Kingdom, let Guest Services known it’s a special occasion. You’ll get free buttons that let the world know you’re celebrating an anniversary. Every Cast Member who sees you will smile and wish you a happy day – and you just may get a few freebies out of it. While guests have noticed the freebies slowing down in recent years, some restaurants may just slip you a free dessert or a glass of champagne to mark your happy occasion.
Snack or Drink Your Way Around the World Showcase
Located in Epcot, the World Showcase pavilion has food and drinks from more than a dozen countries. Take a leisurely stroll, stopping to grab a bite or beverage in every country. Be sure to pick up the Show Times Guide on your way in and be on the lookout for unique, quirky music and street performers.
Private Event or Tour
If you want a truly memorable evening, consider taking one of the many Disney tours, or hire your own private VIP guide. The tours range in price from just $10 per person to $300+ and VIP guides can cost upwards of $350 an hour. One of the most popular tours is Keys to the Kingdom, which lasts around 5 hours and costs $79 per person. In this unique behind-the-scenes tour, even those who’ve visited Disney World dozens of times will learn something new and exciting.
These are just a few ways you can make your anniversary trip one you’ll remember for a lifetime. No matter how you choose to spend it, don’t forget to get your discount tickets through – and don’t forget the flowers!
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